Try a Tower Garden

Tower Gardens   Doug Fox Try a Tower Garden. If you are looking for an easy way to start gardening, a Tower Garden is an easy way to grow your green thumb. Would you like to grow organic vegetables and greens right on your patio in the summer? How about having fresh produce throughout the winter, growing inside your home? The kale and lettuce are delicious. Not like anything you purchase in the...
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Roasted Salmon and Vegetable Medley

What’s easier and quicker than a meal in one pan? Enjoy this heart-friendly roasted salmon with a medley of fresh vegetables. Ready in 30 minutes or less.

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Seasonal Allergies

The weather begins to get warmer. You see the trees beginning to bud. Flowers are popping out of the ground. Then it starts. Sneezing. Itchy eyes. Headaches. Coughing. Stuffy nose. That sluggish, no energy feeling kicks in. Sound like seasonal allergies to you? Here are some helpful hacks to help you have a better spring.

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Chicken Pot Pie Spaghetti Squash Casserole

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Choosing Rest

When you read the title, “Choosing Rest,” did you think, “I don’t have time for this right now,” or “Are you kidding me! I can’t slow down with so much to do?” Rest and sleep are two of many methods of self-care. Rest and sleep are not the same thing. and both are critical for long term health.  

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