Better Choices Blueprint

Better Choices Blueprint

Better Choices Blueprint will jump-start your wellness journey in 12 weeks.

When you recognize that becoming a healthier person is a better choice, consider an integrated plan that encourages you to look at your Lifestyle (how you live), Exercise (how you move), Attitude (how you think), and Nutrition (how you eat). Learn how your eating habits and food choices may be sabotaging your wellness. Discover why your attitude is a key factor in achieving your goals.

Let's design a plan to meet your specific needs.

Embark on a wellness journey where you flourish and thrive.

Better Choices Blueprint

Over the course of 12 weeks, you can learn---

  • Healthy Eating. Everything you eat and drink matters. Be pleasantly surprised at how whole food nutrition will make your body feel and function. PS. It's NOT a diet plan. 

  • Movement and Activity.  With an increase in your physical activity, you can lose some weight and feel better in your clothes. 

  • Self-Care.  Have you been ignoring your personal needs for a while? It's time to reduce your stress. Improve your sleep.  Practice self-kindness. Increase your rest.  

  • Attitude. How do you nourish your mind? Is it time to be more intentional with your life? What brings you joy? Having a healthy attitude will impact your life. It's time to live your life on purpose. 

Call TODAY for a FREE Discovery Session. Explore how the Better Choices Blueprint can impact your life. 

Twelve-week Better Choices Blueprint package: $850

     Private 30-45 minute weekly sessions hosted on Zoom.

Individual Health and Wellness Sessions  —  $70 per hour

Scholarships may be available based on individual needs.